ISRM Awards
Rocha Medal 2018
The Rocha Medal has been awarded annually by the ISRM, since 1982, for an outstanding doctoral thesis in rock mechanics or rock engineering. Struck in the memory of ISRM Past President Manuel Rocha, it is intended to stimulate and reward young researchers. Since 2010, in addition to the Rocha Medal awarded to the winner, one or two runner-up certificates have also been awarded. Further background on the medal and a listing of the previous winners and their thesis topics are on the ISRM website.
Nominations for the 2018 medal need to be with the ISRM Secretariat by 31 December 2016 (note the need for full documentation, including the 5,000 – 10,000 word thesis summary). For submittal through NZGS, nominations should be received by Secretary by end October 2016.
As a note on the award process, nominations received by December 31 2016 will be evaluated during 2017, with the award winner(s) announced at the 2017 ISRM International Symposium (1st African Regional Rock Mechanics Symposium, in Capetown, October 2017), and presented at the 2018 International Symposium (venue and date to be announced).
Muller Award 2019
The Muller award is presented every four years in recognition of distinguished contributions to the profession of rock mechanics and rock engineering. It consists of a special Müller Lecture to be delivered at the ISRM International Congresses, a work of art typical of the culture of the country hosting the Congress and a silver medallion with a portrait of Leopold Müller. Further background on the award and a listing of the previous winners are on the ISRM website.