IAEG Awards
The regulations for the awarding of the various Medals and Prizes are in the by-laws of the statutes of the IAEG, available on the website of the association. They are awarded biannually with nominations generally due to the NZGS committee (via the secretary) by the end of May in the year before the award is presented. Calls for nominations will be put out by the Society well in advance of the closing dates.
Hans Cloos Medal
The Hans-Cloos Medal is the senior award presented by IAEG, given to an engineering geologist of outstanding merit in commemoration of the “founder of geomechanics”. The recipient should therefore be a person of international repute who has made a major contribution to engineering geology in his/her written papers or to the development of engineering geology and/or the IAEG in their own area.
Richard Wolters Prize
The Richard Wolters’ prize specifically recognises meritorious scientific achievement by a younger member of the engineering geology profession (less than 35 years old on January 1st of the relevant year ) and is awarded to honour Dr. Wolters’ many contributions to international understanding and co-operation.
Marcel Arnould Medal
The Marcel Arnould Medal was formally established at the 2014 IAEG Congress in Turin (IT) in recognition of people of significant repute within the IAEG and who have made a major contribution to the Association.