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The NZGS is represented on numerous national and international groups with the aim of promoting the interests of NZGS members in technical and political arenas.

National Seismic Hazard Model update – Technical Advisory Panel

NZGS representative: Rick Wentz & Andreas Giannakogiorgos

Our current National Seismic Hazard Model was created in 2002, based on science from the 1990s. This project by GNS Science will create a new model for New Zealand.

MBIE Code Advisory Panel

NZGS representative: Ross Roberts

The Code Advisory Panel (CAP) is made up of industry representatives and groups who work with MBIE to provide strategic and technical advice on the New Zealand Building Code. The CAP meets quarterly, with updates published following the meeting. These include the agenda, minutes and a summary of the risks discussed at each meeting. You can find out more about the panel, and read minutes of the past meetings, here.

Joint Technical Committee 1: Natural Slopes and Landslides

NZGS representative: Chris Massey

The Joint Technical Committee no 1 (JTC1) of the Federation of the International Geo-engineering Societies (FedIGS) was established in 2010 with global representation. The main committee’s activities are:

  1. periodic meetings aimed at establishing and modifying, the program, at evaluating the results of the established activities and at examining any specific problem that is submitted to the attention of the community
  2. selection of the seat of the International Symposia on Landslides (ISLs) and collaboration in the development of the scientific program
  3. spreading of consolidated information and data on major topics regarding the domain of landslides
  4. stimulation of new ideas through ad hoc initiatives

More information is available here.

ISSMGE Technical Committees

NZGS has representation from our more senior members on numerous ISSMGE committees. You can find out more about these groups here. If you would like to be nominated by NZGS to one of these committees please contact our secretary.

TC#NameNZGS representativeIntroduction / summary of TC purposeLatest news
101Laboratory Stress Strain Strength Testing of GeomaterialsGabriele ChiaroTechnical Committee 101 covers all aspects of laboratory testing. It organised many IS, workshops, international exchanges and created the “Bishop lecture”.Members of the ISSMGE TC101 (Laboratory Testing) meet on November 17th, 2020 via videoconference. The main focus of the TC101 in 2020-21 has been preparations for the forthcoming 20th ICSMGE in Sydney, where the TC101 is hosting three technical session: i) Soils under repeated loading and liquefaction phenomena, ii) Innovation in laboratory techniques, and iii) Recent developments in the monotonic behaviour of soils. It was announced that the 6th Bishop Lecture “The Assessment of Geotechnical Properties in the Information Age” will be delivered by Professor Carlos Santamarina. The preparation of the upcoming 8th International Symposium of Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials (IS-Porto 2023) is progressing well; proposed dates are 3-6 September 2023. The TC101 International Workshop on “Advances in laboratory testing of liquefiable soils” to be held in North Cyprus in 2021 was presented; dates are yet to be definite due to COVID-19.
102Ground Property Characterization from In-Situ TestsTC102 objectives include:
Promote the utilization and improve the interpretation of in-situ tests to enhance geotechnical site characterization, including the the determination of soil and rock properties, use of borehole techniques, penetration tests, and geophysical methods, and their variance.
Maintain an international website and email network, as well as hold several meetings and the international conference on site characterisation.Maintain a set of international guidelines and standards for in-situ testing methods for reference on procedures and interpretation, and prepare a list of important and relevant publications.
103Numerical MethodsIoannis AntonopoulosTC103 aims to provide a forum for all interested members of ISSMGE to explore the using of computational tools and developing of advanced numerical methods to solve problems relevant to soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering.Latest update here
104Physical Modelling in GeotechnicsPhil RobinsTechnical Committee 104 disseminates and develops knowledge and practice within the area of physical modelling in geotechnical engineering by establishing working groups to promote the sharing of resources for teaching that uses physical modelling, to develop standardized and sustainable equipment and sensors for physical modelling, and to produce a website for general dissemination and communication on physical modelling.TC104 hosts the ISSMGE Honored Scofield LectureLatest update here
105Geo-Mechanics from Micro to MacroRolando OrenseTC105 exists to:Promote co-operation and exchange of information about the behaviour of soil grains and granular interactions, so as to clarify the fundamental micro-mechanisms of the behaviour of soils.Promote improved Discrete Element Modelling (DEM) of soil aggregates, through simulations of laboratory tests, especially with regard to the observation of grain crushing and rearrangement.Encourage a micro-structural understanding of significant macroscopic behaviours of both sands and clays, such as compressibility, anisotropy, yielding, creep, cyclic liquefaction, shear rupture and tensile fracture.Open up a discussion on the use of micro-structural measurements to enhance soil characterisation procedures (grading, plasticity index, CPT / SPT etc) and to clarify the selection and use of continuum parameters in geotechnical engineering practice.
106Unsaturated SoilsTC106 exists to:Disseminate knowledge and practice in the area of mechanics of unsaturated soils including as examples, expansive, collapsible, residual, arid, and compacted soils.Organize specialty conferences, symposiums and workshops.Encourage preparation of keynote lectures, state-of-the-art lectures including new technology, general reports for conferences organized by the International Society, regional conferences and conferences organized by Member societies.Establish guidelines and technical recommendations in the field of unsaturated soils
107Tropical Residual SoilsTC107 exists to:Disseminate knowledge and practice in residual tropical soils to members of ISSMGE and other learned societies particularly ICOLD (International Commission on Large Dams)Organize specialty Conferences, symposia and workshopsEncourage preparation of keynote lectures, state of the art lectures, new technologies, general reports for ISSMGE and ICOLD International conferences, Regional Conferences, Local (member society) Conferences.
201Geotechnical Aspects of Dykes and Levees and Shore ProtectionTC201 exists to promote discussion on the state of the art and developing the science and engineering in order to increase fundamental understanding and modelling of strength, deformation and erosion behaviour of soils and failure processes of water retaining structures like dikes, dunes, (underwater) dams.
202Transportation GeotechnicsTC202 works closely with its members to organize symposia, workshops, and international exchanges dealing with all aspects of Transportation Geotechnics in both traditional and emerging areas. TC202 has created a new named lecture series in commemoration to late R.R. Proctor to be delivered by the world’s most distinguished achievements in Transportation Geotechnics. “Proctor Lecture” is organized as the primary keynote event at each International Conferenence Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) hosted by ISSMGE-TC202.
203Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Associated ProblemsMisko CubrinovskiSjoerd Van BallegooyIoannis AntonopoulosBrendan BradleyTC203 exists to promote and disseminate advances in the science and practice of earthquake geotechnical engineering to reduce seismic risk and improve the resilience of infrastructure systems and communities. Committee activities seek to promote and facilitate international exchanges across a broad mix of researchers, students, and practitioners, working on earthquake geotechnical engineering and related problems, to ensure rapid dissemination of the newest developments in the state of the art and practice.The committee recognizes outstanding individuals in the discipline through the Young Researcher Award and Ishihara Lecture.Latest update here
204Underground Construction in Soft GroundThe main topics addressed by TC204 concern the geotechnical aspects of the analysis, design, construction and maintenance of deep excavations, tunnels and large underground structures, with particular emphasis on the development, effects and control of ground movements, their interaction with existing structures, mitigation measures and risk management.
205Safety and Serviceability in Geotechnical DesignTC205 aims to organize and promote professional activities in areas of:Limit State Design (LSD) in Geotechnical EngineeringLoad and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)Development and assessment of design codesImpact of natural hazard on safety and serviceability in geotechnical design
206Interactive Geotechnical DesignThe TC members will debate the (if any) differences between “Interactive Design” and “The Observational Method”.  The outcome will be recommended for further use.  This might also mean a possible change of the TC206 title if the TC members feel the need for that.
207Soil-Structure Interaction and Retaining WallsIoannis AntonopoulosTC207 exists to promote co-operation and expertise exchange within the area of soil-structure interaction and retaining walls amongst the leading research and design institutes and universities world-wide as well as amongst the largest contractors with the objective to enhance overall engineering and research expertise within this area.21/05/2021 – Due to the global pandemic and the current TC 207 Chair being extremely ill, no activities could happen for TC 207 during the last twelve months.ISSMGE is now in the process of selecting a new TC 207 Chair. Mostly in Sydney 20ICSMGE, things will be clear.
208Slope Stability in Engineering PracticeRoss RobertsTC208 exists to:develop and disseminate knowledge and practice within the ISSMGE slope stability communityestablish guidelines and technical recommendations for slope stability practiceassist with technical programs of international and regional conferences organised by the ISSMGE
209Offshore GeotechnicsTC 209 will disseminate knowledge on offshore geotechnics, award the ISSMGE Honor McClelland Lecture every 2 to 3 years and have it delivered at major conferences.
210Embankment DamsJames BurrTC210 exists to promote co-operation and exchange of information concerning research and developments in geotechnical issues of dam construction among TC members and ISSMGE member societies.10/05/2021 – TC210 (Embankment Dams) was preparing for its conference to be held in Beijing  in June 2020. Unfortunately, this was obviously affected by the pandemic and the conference did not happen.  Committee activity has been quite subdued since but hopefully will reinvigorate itself later this year.
 211Ground ImprovementMartin LarischISSMGE TC 211 aims to foster an international technology transfer and know-how exchange that will effectively contribute to advancing the state of engineering and construction practice and accelerate reliable use of innovative ground improvement geosystems for a variety of engineering applications.11/05/2021 – The technical committee meetings over the past twelve months were infrequent but it was aimed to meet every quarter. The current focus of the committee is the organization of a workshop for the ICSMGE conference in Sydney 2021, based on the new principal theme around “Innovations”.The board currently investigates the opportunity to organize a new International Symposium about Innovations in Ground Improvement in Brussels, Belgium.
 212Deep FoundationsMartin LarischTC212 organized an experimental site for testing piles where different pile types are installed and then tested under different loading conditions. The Bolivian Experimental Site for Testing Piles (B.E.S.T.) is situated 24 kilometers North-east of Santa Cruz de la Sierra.The purpose of the study is to provide results from full-scale loading tests on piles and a pile group.11/05/2021 – The technical committee meetings have been held very infrequent in the past 15 months but there is a general focus on future conferences and the collection of available standards, codes and guidelines in order to evaluate similarities and differences between those documents.A sub-committee has started to investigate how the existing gap existing between the State-of-the-Art and the State-of-the Practice in the field of Deep Foundations can be reduced. Suggestions on the latter topic are welcome.
 213Scour and ErosionBruce MelvilleThe technical committee was initiated by ISSMGE to discuss scour processes and countermeasures in the geotechnical community, a topic that was covered primarily by hydraulic engineers and scientists. To spotlight the mutual effects of surface water, subsoil and pore water, the committee encourages hydraulic and geotechnical engineers to discuss the phenomenon of the interaction of water, soil and rock.No activity to report.
 214Foundation Engineering for Difficult Soft Soil ConditionsISSMGE-TC214 on Soft Soil Engineering ”Foundation Engineering for Difficult Soft Soil Conditions” will focus on the following three broad topics under the main theme “Old but New prediction methods from laboratory to simulation in soft soil engineering”:Physical and mechanical propertiesPrediction of soil behaviorGround improvement / soil treatment
 215Environmental GeotechnicsThe purpose of the TC215 is to spread the state-of-the-art and -practice of the main areas of Environmental Geotechnics to practitioners and researchers working in this field, as well as individuals in other professional areas (e.g., chemical engineering, environmental engineering). The TC215 is devoted to a number of activities such as: organizing and supporting technically the main workshops and conferences on these topics, setting up task forces meant to disseminate knowledge in this field, to promote new initiatives, to increase participation at local and global events related to the geo-environment, to encourage international and interdisciplinary cooperation.
 216Frost GeotechnicsTC216 will participate in the organization of a specialty conference during the period.
 217Land ReclamationTony FaircloughThe main aim of the TC is to promote a greater interaction among engineers engaged in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering related to land reclamation so as to achieve greater cooperation and facilitate the exchange of information, experience, knowledge, and new ideas in these two areas. In the next four years (2020-2023), the committee would endeavor to organize several small to medium size workshops, with at least two of them to coincide with a major conference under the auspices of ISSMGE (e.g. the 20th ICSMGE in Sydney, Australia, 2021 and the 17th Asian Regional Conference in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, 2023).30/04/2021 – A Facebook group on land reclamation has been created ( to facilitate sharing of news and updates of land reclamation activities in the world. You are highly encouraged to join this Facebook group.
 218Reinforced Fill StructuresTC218 does not have a clearly stated intent. Objectives can be seen on their website.
 219System Performance of Geotechnical StructuresTC219 aims to disseminate and develop knowledge and practice on performance based design methodologies in geotechnical engineering. To promote cooperation and expertise exchange within the research area of system performance, this TC will deal with the following important technical issues:Organize the international conferences, symposiums and technical workshops with the aims to promote cooperation and exchange of information concerning the active areas of research and developments on system performance in geotechnical practice, such as the 1st International Conference on System Performance in Geotechnical Engineering, intended to be organized at the end of 2020 or the beginning of 2021;Host a workshop or special session at the next ICSMGE, Sydney 2021;Create webinars for technical training purpose and encourage members to contribute to ISSMGE program of webinars;Encourage members to give keynote lectures, state-of-the-art lectures, general reports for conferences organized by the International Society, regional conferences and conferences organized by member societies.
 220Field Monitoring in GeomechanicsPaul BurtonTC220 helps bring together practitioners, academics and suppliers, to exchange knowledge on field monitoring.The principal aims of TC220 are:To organise specialty conferences, symposiums, workshops and short courses dedicated to the subject of field monitoring in geomechanics. To encourage the involvement of a wide range of geo-professionals in these events.To encourage the preparation of keynote lectures, state-of-the-art lectures including on new technologies, general reports for conferences organised by the International Society, regional conferences and conferences organized by Member Societies.To promote the inclusion of structural and geotechnical monitoring in universities and at conferences and meetings of other international bodies, thereby encouraging a common culture of learning through field monitoring.FMGM is an international symposium held every four years since 1977.  TC220 will ensure that this tradition continues and will encourage ISSMGE members to participate in future FMGM Symposia.Latest update here
 221Tailing and Mine WastesNo details on website
 301Preservation of Historic SitesTC301 organises an international conference. The third International Conference of TC301 is scheduled for 22-24 June 2022 in Napoli, Italy.
 302Forensic Geotechnical EngineeringTC302 exists to conduct technical events in Forensic Geotechnical Engineering with specific focus on guidelines and lessons learnt, and to prepare introductory guidance documents on the forensic procedures to be followed in failure investigations pertaining to geotechnical engineering.
 303Coastal and River Disaster Mitigation and RehabilitationTC303 exists to disseminate knowledge and practice on coastal and river disaster mitigation and rehabilitation to the membership of the ISSMGE, and establish guidelines and technical recommendations on coastal and river disaster mitigation and rehabilitation.
 304Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment and ManagementTC304 is charged with promoting and enhancing professional activities in geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering in areas related to:Geostatistics and probabilistic site characterizationQuantification of uncertainties in performance predictionReliability-based designRisk-based decision analysisCalibration of LRFD-type geotechnical design codesProject risk management.
 305Geotechnical Infrastructure for Megacities and New CapitalsTC305 exists to disseminate knowledge and practice on design and practice of geotechnical technologies at megacities and new capitals to the members of ISSMGE, and establish guidelines and technical recommendations on design and practice of geotechnical technologies at megacities and new capitals.
 306Geo-engineering EducationTC306 focuses on the fundamentals of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, i.e. topics typically covered in undergraduate curricula. Its primary, but not exclusive, audience is currently active, past and future geotechnical engineering educators.
 307Sustainability in Geotechnical EngineeringThe purpose of TC 307 is to monitor, contribute to and disseminate information on sustainability related issues in geotechnical engineering. The TC will actively participate with interested stakeholders in industry and academia in arranging specialty conferences, workshops and events on sustainability in geotechnical engineering. The committee will publish, from time to time, state-of-the-art review articles/papers/reports in journals, conference proceedings, and magazines to promote this new area. The committee may also assist in publishing edited volumes of collected papers in this area.
 308Energy GeotechnicsTC308 has a detailed terms of reference which can be found on their website.
 309Machine Learning and Big DataVick KumaranTC309 aims to provide a forum for all interested members of ISSMGE to explore the use of machine learning (ML) techniques to solve problems relevant to soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering.