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This group exists to share links to the basic information that we think all professionals working in New Zealand should know. While some content may not be relevant to every specialist, it should be useful to most. This information is written to be appropriate for new migrants to New Zealand, but will be of value for all professionals.


  • The Building Code Clause A3, B1 and B2. This defines the core requirements for any building structure.
  • Your local Regional and District Plans. You will need to see your local authority website to find this. These plans tell you what you can or cannot do, and if you might need specific permission to use a resource. Regional plans address resource issues and management of land where it affects water quality and quantity, soil conservation, and natural hazards. 


  • NZS4431 – Earthworks
  • NZS1170 – Structural Design Actions (in particular, NZS1170.5)
  • NZS3604 – Timber-framed buildings
  • NZS4402 – Methods of testing soils for civil engineering purposes
  • NZS4404 – Land development and subdivision infrastructure
  • NZS4407 – Testing of aggregates for roads


  • NZGS Guide to the field description of soil and rock
  • NZGS Guide to the hand shear vane
  • NZGS Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering series
  • NZGS Rockfall guide