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NZGS Scholarships (annual)

Important dates are:
Sept 2018 Call for applications
End Oct 2018 Closing date for applications
End Nov 2018 Closing date for full submission
Feb 2019 Successful applicants announced (if any)

See advertisement in this issue for details

NZGS Student Awards Poster Competition (annual)

Important dates are:
June 2018 Call for applications
Mid Nov 2018 Closing date for applications
End Jan 2019 Closing date for receipt of poster
Feb 2019 Judging and announcement of winners at local NZGS evening event

The 2017-2018 winners are:
Matt Ogden (doing a Masters in Geotech Engineering at Auckland with Liam Wotherspoon)
Claudio Cappellaro (doing a PhD (Engineering) at Canterbury with Misko Cubrinovski)
Remus Marchis (completed a Professional Masters of Engineering Geology at Canterbury with Clark Fenton)

See 2017-18 winning posters in this issue

Young Geotechnical Professional (YGP) Conference Awards

Ten Young Professionals are the recipients of conference awards to attend the 12th ANZ Young Geotechnical Professionals Conference (12YGPC) to be held
in Hobart, Tasmania on 7-9 November 2018:

Jawad Arefi, Gislaine Pardo Tobar, Aimee Rhodes, Francesca Spinardi, Kylie Johnson, Kieran Foote, Zeb Paterson, Andrew Gordon, Alec Wild and Sam Glue.

These awards are sponsored by the Earthquake Commission (EQC) and NZGS.

NZGS Geomechanics Lecture

The 2018 recipient of the award is Prof Misko Cubrinovski (University of Canterbury). He will deliver his lecture in various parts of the country from late 2018 to early 2019. He will also give the lecture during the 2019 ANZ Geomechanics Conference in Perth in April 2019.

NZGS Geomechanics Award

Seven (7) papers were received for consideration. A panel of judges (Mick Pender, CY Chin, Kevin McManus) is currently assessing the submissions.

The 2018 winner(s) will be announced during the Society’s AGM scheduled in September 2018.

Other awards

IAEG Awards 2018 (Richard Wolters Prize, Hans Cloos Medal, Marcel Arnould Medal): No nominee this year

ISSMGE Awards (various): Next round of nominations likely to be in July 2019

ISRM Rocha MEdal 2020: Nomination must reach the ISRM Secretary-General by 31 December 2018. For submittal through the NZGS, nominations should be received by the secretary by end October 2018.




