
International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment Report
13th IAEG CONGRESS 2018 The 13th IAEG Congress will be held in San Francisco, California during the week of 17-21 September 2018. For this event the IAEG is partnering with the US Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists. This will be the first time the…

Dr Kerry Rowe to present the 2018/19 Mercer Lecture
The 2018/19 Mercer Lecturer will be Dr Kerry Rowe from Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, who will discuss the use of geosynthetics in construction on soft soils. Dr Rowe, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering at Queen’s University, is a past…

International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Report
Regional Report for Australasia – June 2018 The period since December 2017 has been a relatively quiet period, ahead of preparations for the next ISRM Board and Council meetings in Singapore on 28 – 30 October 2018 in association with ARMS10 – the ISRM 10th…

Marlborough dam construction challenges
Abstract The New Zealand Building Act 2004 requires dams above 4m high, holding more than 20,000 cum, be engineer designed with construction supervision, whilst complying with best practice under the NZSOLD Dam Safety Guidelines. The design challenge with these dams for small agricultural enterprises is…

Bluff Road Coromandel: Rockfall Risk Management, Public Perception and Influence
Abstract Bluff road is a low use, single lane, coastal road linking two beach resorts on the north east coast of the Coromandel Peninsula. It is a popular pedestrian short cut between the two beaches, is the access way to attractive fishing marks and provides…

Haldon Dam Remediation: A Case Study of Earthquake Damage and Restoration
This article was originally presented at ANCOLD (2017) Conference, Hobart Haldon Dam is a 15 m high zoned earth-fill embankment irrigation dam, located approximately 10 km south-west of Seddon, in the Awatere Valley, New Zealand. The crest and upstream shoulder of the embankment suffered serious…

Detailed Design of Land Reclamation over soft ground in a seismically active environment at Lyttelton Port of Christchurch
Abstract In fulfilling its vision and purpose Lyttelton Port of Christchurch (LPC) intends to create new land in Te Awaparahi Bay through a land development programme. The programme involves reclamation of approximately 34ha of new land and the construction of a new 700m wharf, to…