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A few issues back, this photo of most of the team of engineering geologists working on Clyde Power Project in the summer of 1991/92 was published in Geomechanics News, with the challenge for readers to identify as many of them as possible. Answers were to be provided in the following issue.

Almost no-one took up the challenge. And so we didn’t provide the answers…

Recently Leah King was searching the back issues, found the photo and asked who they all were. So we decided to give you another crack at identifying as many as possible of those in the photo.

We can tell you that some of the CPP team (for example Paul Horrey, Barry McDowell and Linda Price) are not in the photo – maybe they were the ones working that day! Or maybe they were just shy?

Please email your answers to

This time we WILL publish the names in the next issue!

And we will publicly name those of you who manage to correctly identify everyone in the photo!


