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Young Geoprofessionals Reports

Young Geoprofessionals Reports

There has been lots happening in the YGP space over the last few months. Firstly, I want to acknowledge Helen’s work as the previous YGP representative. Helen has done an amazing job in the role, which, amongst many other things, has included organising the regional…

NZGS Management Committee Updates

NZGS Management Committee Updates

Ioannis Antonopoulos  Vice Chair Ioannis is a Chartered Geotechnical Engineer, who specializes in large infrastructure and development projects. He has expertise in working with interdisciplinary teams who work on both design and construction. Ioannis volunteers for Engineering NZ as a Practice Area Assessor and contributes…

Society Branch Reports

Society Branch Reports

Auckland The Auckland Branch has seen a relatively busy second half of 2023, with plenty of events for members to attend, from both local and international speakers.  A standout evening talk for the branch was held in June, where UK travelling speaker Ian Webber (MD…

From The Archives

From The Archives

We looked through the archives and found two landslip/land damage insurance related articles to jog the memory of the experienced and provide a history lesson for the not so experienced. The articles are topical with land damage from the recent major flood events, and replacement…

2023 NZGS student poster Winners

2023 NZGS student poster Winners

This Year’s Student Poster awards as ever had the judges facing a difficult decision, however with winners from around the country placed in the top three, congratulations go to: 1st place Katharine Vincent: Identifying internal instability type with soil microstructure (PhD Student, University of Auckland) …

Society Branch Reports

Society Branch Reports

Auckland The Auckland Branch finished 2022 on a high note, with a great mini-symposium where we heard from speakers about a range of interesting technical developments and projects occurring across the Auckland and Northland regions. As always, the event led on to an evening with…

Young Geoprofessionals Report

Young Geoprofessionals Report

2023 is off to a great start and we have some exciting opportunities for YGP’s to get involved coming up. Regional Symposia Our four regional symposia planning are underway. Current dates are  Look out for the call for abstracts in the NZGS newsletter and get…

14th ANZ Young Geoprofessionals Symposium

14th ANZ Young Geoprofessionals Symposium

Rotorua, New Zealand In a time honoured tradition, the 14th ANZ Young Professionals symposium was held in Rotorua in November 2022. It was NZ’s turn to host and being the smaller of the nations and being the first international YGP event post covid, we were determined…

Young Geoprofessionals’ Reports

Young Geoprofessionals’ Reports

2022 End of Year report 2022 has been another challenging year for YGP’s. So much has happened and the start of the year and borders shut, Covid lockdowns and traffic lights feels like years ago, not the couple of months that it has been in…

From the Chair

From the Chair

The end of year is that special time when the mind kicks into reflection mode, thinking about what went well and not so well in the past year, and planning for what comes next. In NZGS we do that a bit earlier, in our Annual…