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2023 is off to a great start and we have some exciting opportunities for YGP’s to get involved coming up.

Regional Symposia

Our four regional symposia planning are underway. Current dates are 

  • South island – September 2023
  • Wellington – October 2023
  • Bay of Plenty – November 2023
  • Auckland – TBC

Look out for the call for abstracts in the NZGS newsletter and get involved.

Incoming YGP Representative

Congratulations to Christoph Kraus who will be taking over the YGP Representative Role from June 2023.

Christoph is a Wellington based Engineering Geologist working with Beca. He has been very actively involved in the Wellington branch and done a great job assisting with the 14th ANZ Rotorua Conference held at the end of last year. He is a great candidate to continue the YGP leadership and I look forward to seeing where he takes the YGP group in future.

Christoph can be contacted at

YGP Training Posters

Wendy Weng and her team have been very busy with the final graphic design touches to the posters. They will be formally released soon so look out for an announcement in the NZGS newsletter. Thank you again to Wendy and her team for all their excellent hard work.

Finally I want to take this opportunity to thank the NZGS Management Committee for the opportunity and support during my time as YGP representative. Also thank you to the YGP community for their passion and commitment. We have had an interesting time with Covid but we have managed to maintain a steady stream of events. The highlight would definitely be the 14th ANZ Rotorua event where we welcomed our Australian and Pacific colleagues to NZ and restarted this important and long standing traditional event. Its been great!

As always – if you want to get involved in anything YGP or have any ideas, reach out to Christoph (


Helen Loach
