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Author: ross-roberts

Inappropriate use of Geotechnical Reports

Inappropriate use of Geotechnical Reports

Following relatively energetic debate on the NZGS LinkedIn page earlier this year (under the title Limitations in Geotechnical Reports), the NZGS has drafted a letter to MBIE expressing the Society’s concerns around the misuse of geotechnical reports and encouraging them to educate Councils to more…

Release of Joint MBIE/NZGS Geotechnical Guidance Module 1: Overview of the Guidelines

Release of Joint MBIE/NZGS Geotechnical Guidance Module 1: Overview of the Guidelines

Joint MBIE/NZGS geotechnical engineering guidance, Module 1: “Overview of the Guidelines” of the `Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Practice’ series, has now been published as Building Act s 175 guidance; refer to 1-Overview_web.pdf. It is also available on both the New Zealand Geotechnical Society (NZGS) and…

Auckland Council LinkedIn group

Auckland Council LinkedIn group

Auckland Council have set up a LinkedIn group to provide a discussion forum for geotechnical and land development professionals working in Auckland principally to provide a communication channel between industry and council.  The goals of this are: Making the development process quicker, easier and more…

Release of Joint MBIE/NZGS Geotechnical Guidance Module 3: Liquefaction Assessment, and Appendices 3, 4 & 5 for Module 5A: Ground Improvement Specification

Release of Joint MBIE/NZGS Geotechnical Guidance Module 3: Liquefaction Assessment, and Appendices 3, 4 & 5 for Module 5A: Ground Improvement Specification

Joint MBIE/NZGS geotechnical engineering guidance, Module 3: Identification, Assessment and Mitigation of Liquefaction Hazards of the `Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Practice’ series, has now been published as Building Act s 175 guidance. This replaces the NZGS document published in July 2010 (Module 1 – Guideline for the identification,…