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This year QuakeCoRE and NZSEE join with Applied Technology Council (ATC) and the Japan Structural Consultants Association (JSCA) to organise this tri-national workshop on Improvement of Structural Engineering and Resiliency in Nara, Japan  on June 27-29, 2016. This Workshop is intended to discuss and develop policy recommendations for improved community resilience based on topics related to current state-of-practice, innovative engineering solutions, and emerging resilience technologies. A special focus of the Workshop will be on post-earthquake repair and assessment of residual capacity of earthquake-damaged buildings.

Workshop Programme: The programme has been designed for practicing engineers, researchers, planners, policy makers, and other risk reduction specialists. It will include technical presentations, panel discussions, and policy-development discussions. Technical sessions are planned around resiliency based engineering, innovative design, technologies in underdeveloped countries, nonstructural elements, repair, residual strength, reconstruction and recovery. The official language of the Workshop is English. A link to the preliminary programme outlining topical areas is available HERE.

Abstract Submittal: NZ participants interested in presenting a paper in one of the programme topical areas should submit an abstract of 250 words or less,, by April 30, 2016. Selected authors will be notified by May 7, 2016. Technical papers, up to 8 pages in length, are due by May 31, 2016 for publication in the Workshop Proceedings.

Workshop Registration: Details on workshop registration for NZ participants will be provided in the near future.

More details are provided on the ATC website