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The 20th national symposium of the New Zealand Geotechnical Society is pleased to open the call for abstracts.

The symposium aims to provide rigorous discussions that consider the inherent risks of dealing with variable subsurface conditions, and the regulatory, ethical and practical challenges associated with this.  With an emphasis on practical and pragmatic geotechnics we invite you to submit your abstract to the editor using the link below.

A maximum 250 word abstract should be submitted to the editor by 24th February 2017. Online registration will be available at from mid January 2017.

If you have any queries, please contact the symposium convenor Pierre Malan (

The symposium theme and subthemes are listed below:
What in earth is going on: balancing risk, reward, regulation and reality

  • Communicating and managing risk
  • Natural hazards and resilience
  • Innovative tools and techniques
  • Standards, guidelines and regulation
  • Putting theory into practice
  • Best practice in design and construction
  • Driving efficiency from investigation to construction

We look forward to seeing you in Napier next year.

Gavin Alexander