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Further to the successful 2015 6ICEGE which was held in Christchurch, New Zealand, it is with great pleasure that the undersigned invite applications for the NZGS-7ICEGE Scholarships, of which up to four awards each to the value of $5,000 will be made.

The intent of the NZGS-7ICEGE Scholarships is to support participation of young geotechnical professionals at the 7ICEGE, which will be held in Rome, Italy, between 17 and 20 June 2019. The value of the award is expected to approximately cover the successful applicants registration fees, travel and accommodation costs.

Geotechnical professionals resident in New Zealand, or New Zealand citizens resident overseas, who completed their undergraduate degrees during 2011 or later are eligible for the scholarship. In addition, the candidate must have an abstract and paper accepted for 7ICEGE. With respect to this issue potential applicants should note that the extended abstract deadline is 8 June 2018.

Any person wishing to be considered for the award of an NZGS-7ICEGE Scholarship should forward an expression of interest letter to the NZGS Secretary upon being informed that their abstract has been accepted and by no later than 28 July 2018. Judging for the scholarship awards will be completed by the undersigned based on an assessment of their paper abstract, the technical merit and overall quality of their final paper, academic record, work experience (if applicable) and overall good character of the applicant.

Payment of the scholarship to the successful applicants will be made upon NZGS receiving confirmation that their final paper has been accepted by the conference organising committee, and, that such applicant has paid their conference registration fees.

All further inquiries and applications for an NZGS-7ICEGE Scholarship should be directed via email to the NZGS Secretary (


Yours sincerely,

NZGS-6ICEGE Scholarship Subcommittee

Tony Fairclough, NZGS Chair 2017-2019

Charlie Price, NZGS Immediate Past Chair

Misko Cubrinovski, 6ICEGE Chair

Brendon Bradley, 6ICEGE Co-Chair