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Seismic Design of Geotechnical Structures for NCTIR

Seismic Design of Geotechnical Structures for NCTIR

Abstract This paper outlines key elements and the main findings for seismic design of geotechnical structures, i.e. earth retaining systems as well as natural and man-made slopes, and provides an unabridged roadmap for a streamlined design following the principles of value engineering and performance based…

Proposed amendments to geotechnical requirements of NZTA Bridge Manual

Proposed amendments to geotechnical requirements of NZTA Bridge Manual

Work is currently underway to update the NZTA Bridge Manual (BM) based on recent advancements in bridge design practice in New Zealand and worldwide, and also the NZTA’s experience on the performance of bridges during the Canterbury earthquakes. In the current 2nd edition of the BM various…

Use of Mononobe-Okabe equations in seismic design of retaining walls in shallow soils

Use of Mononobe-Okabe equations in seismic design of retaining walls in shallow soils

In pseudo-static analysis, the Mononobe-Okabe (M-O) solution is typically applied to determine seismic earth pressures acting on retaining walls where resulting displacements are relatively large. These equations require the input of a horizontal seismic coefficient which is frequently chosen to be equivalent to the free-field…