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On 14 November 2016, the M7.8 Kaikōura Earthquake severely damaged the North Canterbury region, closing both State Highway 1 (SH1) and the Main North Rail Line between Picton and Christchurch. Many of our members were actively involved in assessing the infrastructure damage caused by the earthquake, and in the design and supervision of repairs and improvements that were undertaken by the North Canterbury Infrastructure Recovery alliance (NCTIR). In this issue, some of the team share their experiences and some of the lessons learnt.

We are grateful to NCTIR for approval to publish the seven papers presented. But we are also mindful that our members undertake a wide range of work and generate innovative solutions on many other projects. Some also seek to raise issues and challenge us to address their concerns. This time, we have a challenge to parts of the Society’s Guideline for Field Description of Soil and Rock, in particular to use of the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The challenge cast down is that NZGS should develop its own standalone soil and rock logging guide, and reference to the USCS should be consigned to history.

Such challenges are healthy, and rational debate is a great way of clarifying issues and making improvements. Please provide your thoughts (for or against) this challenge for a follow up article in 2019. Who knows where it may lead, or how your ideas may influence the outcome?

And looking even further ahead, start planning for your attendance at the 2020 NZGS Symposium to be held in Dunedin. It’s going to be one to remember.
There is more information and other interesting stuff hidden in the magazine for you to find. It’s like a treasure hunt. Enjoy.



