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Professor Brendon Bradley has been awarded the 2015 EERI Shah Family Innovation Prize. Bradley is a professor in the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering at the University of Canterbury and Deputy Director of QuakeCoRE: The Centre for Earthquake Resilience. An emerging leader in the profession, Bradley has made innovative and significant contributions to earthquake engineering research and practice.

With a generous gift from the Shah family, EERI annually awards the Shah Prize to young professionals and academics for creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit in the field of earthquake risk mitigation and management. Bradley has published 80 journal papers over the past seven years, 46 as the lead author and 25 as the sole author. He made outstanding contributions to research studies on the 2010-2011 Christchurch earthquakes, and played a significant role in reshaping consideration of earthquake motions and seismic design in New Zealand. Professor Bradley co-led the establishment of QuakeCoRE, New Zealand’s National Centre of Earthquake Resilience, and serves as its first Deputy Director.

EERI recognizes Brendon Bradley’s prolific research contributions spanning many disciplines in earthquake engineering, his leadership in highly collaborative international research efforts, and his ongoing efforts to disseminate research to practice and to the public. He was awarded the 2015 Shah Family Prize at the EERI Annual Meeting in San Francisco on April 7, 2016.

To learn more about the Shah Family Innovation Prize, visit the EERI website at
