Standards NZ are starting an update of NZS3604 (Residential timber-framed buildings). The NZ Geotechnical Society will be represented on the main committee by Sally Hargraves.
There will also be a ‘Foundations’ sub-working group who as part of their scope are looking at foundations on expansive soils and foundations on liquefaction-prone soils. Currently there are no geotechnical professionals on this committee. We have been asked to nominate one or more individuals with suitable knowledge and experience of these topics, and the use of NZS3604, to support the update.
As with all Standards NZ projects, this is a voluntary role.
If you have appropriate skills and experience in this area, and would be willing to volunteer a few hours of your time a week for a period of a few months, please email Ross Roberts (and cc: Teresa Roetman) with a brief description of your background in this area.
We need to make our nominations on Wednesday next week, so please respond by mid-day on 21 July.