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The New Zealand Seismic Hazard Model is being updated based on a new probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. This will lead to changes for practitioners, particularly through loading codes. It is important that the needs of these practitioners is considered when the model is being generated, so a Technical Advisory Group is being set up.

The group will have around 15 total scientists and end-users to 1) ensure NSHM is best practice science; 2) NSHM meets end-user needs; and 3) provide ongoing participatory review (primarily by the scientists). GNS prefers to keep the end-user and scientists communities together as much as possible, but there may be some separate meetings. They also see value and importance in this opportunity for iterative interaction, to get the engineering community to understand all GNS Science / the programme can do for them, and to understand the specifics that would help them best. Such a forum has never existed in the past.

What we’re looking for

NZGS has been asked to provide two representatives on the Technical Advisory Group to provide this oversight. The NZGS committee has appointed Rick Wentz to one of these positions based on his long-standing involvement and deep understanding of the topic.

We seek expressions of interest for a second individual to work with Rick on the committee. It is our intent to start succession planning now for the next revision of the NSHM, which might not be for ten to 20 years. Ideally this person should therefore be mid-career (or earlier), likely to want to take a leadership role for further NSHM updates in decade or two. We are not requiring geotech engineers that have experience in hazard modelling, but need those who can represent the needs of the broader geotech community, and with some understanding of the topic.

The commitment

The appropriate person will have to make themselves available for one meeting every two months for two years. Meetings will mostly be Wellington/Hutt based, but with the expectation that some people will need to come in on video. There are a number of overseas members on the science side. The current plan is to have meetings every second month. That frequency is necessary for the science oversight/review; it may be that we can reduce the frequency for those giving end-user input – that can be up for discussion.

You will also need to provide a short written update to the NZGS management committee after each meeting, and may be asked to attend occasional NZGS management committee meetings (max 2 per year) to discuss progress and issues.

Travel costs will be covered, but there is no remuneration for this role.

The benefit

You’ll get to learn from some of the best in the industry, find out how this type of guidance document is developed, become more involved in the NZGS, and be in a position to take a lead role in future updates.