Updated 6th Ishihara Lecture from 2017 Simplified procedure for estimating liquefaction-induced building settlement
Presented by Prof Jonathon Bray (Faculty Chair in Earthquake Excellence, UC Berkley USA)
The Ishihara Lecture award was established in 2004 by the Technical Committee on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Associated Problems (TC203) of ISSMGE to promote and disseminate advances in the science and practice of earthquake geotechnical engineering to reduce seismic risk and improve the resilience of infrastructure systems and communities. Committee activities seek to promote and facilitate international exchanges across a broad mix of researchers, students, and practitioners, working on earthquake geotechnical engineering and related problems, to ensure rapid dissemination of the newest developments in the state of the art and practice. Previous recipients include Prof Idriss (2007), George Gazetas (2013) and Takaji Kokusho (2015).
Some highlights from the lecture are expected to include:
· Simplified procedure proposed to estimate liquefaction-induced building settlement.
· Nonlinear dynamic soil structure interaction effective stress analyses performed.
· Liquefaction Building Settlement (LBS) index captures in situ ground conditions.
· Field case histories and centrifuge test results validate the proposed procedure.
· Recommendations made for evaluating building performance at liquefiable sites.