The Peacocke Waikato River Bridge is part of a significant package of leading infrastructure in Hamilton, being led by Hamilton City Council and built in partnership with local iwi and community.
The bridge is 180m long, with a span of 96m and a single steel lattice Y-shaped pillar on the rivers southern bank.
The bridge site has complex geology, with a 45m high x 50-degree inclined natural escarpment on the northern bank with several relic slip scarps. The southern bank comprised a series of low angle river terraces, with thick deposits of loose Taupo Pumice Alluvium. The 11m high southern bridge abutment is be situated on the river terraces, straddling compressible soils.
The bridge geotechnical design includes 38m deep closely spaced bridge piles, with 35m long ground anchors and over 600 x 8m long soil nails. An 11m high MSE wall forms the southern bridge abutment.
This site visit includes a discussion and walkover of the bridge structure, focussing on the geotechnical elements.