Join the New Zealand Geotechnical Society and Dr John Wood who will be presenting his article on Pole Wall Design that featured in the June issue of the NZGS Geomechanics News.
Cantilever timber pole walls are one of the most commonly used forms of retaining wall construction used in New Zealand for low to moderate retained heights. In this webinar, a review of the commonly used design analysis methods used in NZ is presented in terms of pole-soil interaction and displacement behaviour. Based on available empirical approaches, design charts are presented for use in most design applications in various types of soils. Moreover, wall design methods to account for the strength enhancement of the concrete encasement used on timber poles embedded in the ground is discussed. This presentation is a summary of the technical paper published in the June 2021 issue of NZGS Geomechanics News.
About the presenter:
John Wood has recently retired. He worked as a consulting civil engineer specialising in bridge design, structural investigation, soil-structure interaction and earthquake engineering. Before setting up his consulting engineering practice in 1986, he was Head of the Ministry of Works, Central Laboratories. His consulting work included peer reviews of seismic strengthening proposals and seismic risk assessment for civil engineering and building structures. He has published papers summarising his research on the earthquake performance of underground structures, retaining walls and bridges. John holds post-graduate degrees in civil engineering from the University of Canterbury and California Institute of Technology.