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Online Presentation open to all NZGS Members

The presentation will comprise a selection of brief landslip case studies across Northland (and a couple in Auckland). The case studies will review how the landslips may have been identified and include a summary of some of the tools available for land stability assessment. A brief overview of use of terrain models in QGIS (open source software) and on-screen viewing of aerial photo stereo pairs will be given. The case studies also serve as a reminder of the regular occurrence of landslips across Northland, not just affecting roads but also in areas of both older and more recent development, most of which are not publicly reported.

The presentation will be followed by a chance for questions/discussions.

Bio – David is a geotechnical engineer and has been Northland based for 4 years prior to which he worked for T+T in Auckland for 10 years. David has been involved in assessing landslips from Dunedin to the Far North, but particularly in Auckland and Northland, primarily associated with EQC claims.


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Australian Geomechanics Society