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NZGS is proudly presenting a repetition of the successful 1-day short course on soft ground engineering held in 2018.


This course starts with an overview of soft soil engineering, discussing issues when constructing over soft soils, strategies for project development, construction and ground

improvement.  Soft soil theory is then presented based on critical state concepts. Once the theory is established, scoping a site investigation program to develop geological

and geotechnical models to provide information to support the theory is discussed.


Scoping instrumentation and monitoring and back analysis are addressed in the course. Factors to consider when writing technical specifications are discussed.  These

concepts are combined into a short design exercise for the attendees to consider. Lessons learnt from a prediction and back analysis symposium are presented to demonstrate

best practice for consolidation assessments. Lastly, some case histories for ground improvement in NZ are presented to provide the attendees with context.


The course is targeted at geotechnical engineers with minimum 2 years’ experience, and ideally at those with 5 to 10 years’ experience.  More senior engineers may

benefit from a refresher.  It is assumed that the attendees have a university level understanding of soil mechanics.


The course is presented by Dr. Richard Kelly, a Chartered Professional Engineer and fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia with 25 years of experience as a geotechnical

engineer, academic and structural engineer and Mr. Nick Wharmby, a Civil Engineer specialised in Geotechnology with international experience on design, project management and

construction of foundations and ground improvement.


Please download the flyer to read important information about the course and register online through the links provided in the flyer.

Australian Geomechanics Society