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Auckland Council has announced that Version 2 of “Auckland Council’s Land Development and Subdivision: Code of Practice, Chapter 2: Earthworks and Geotechnical” has been published for industry feedback. It can be accessed via the Auckland Design Manual website.

An Auckland Council spokesperson said,

“Feedback on the CoP is welcome and we encourage you to take the opportunity to influence and refine geotechnical practice in Auckland’s future urban development. Feedback closes on 31 October 2022. Version 2 of this chapter of the Code of Practice will become operative on 1 January 2023. Until then, the operative version is Version 1.6. Feedback to Auckland Council is preferred via the form located at: However, for more extensive feedback, please send your feedback to This is the first update of this Code of Practice in nearly a decade. It has been completely re-written taking into consideration changing legislation, guidelines and practice. Key changes include a focus on risk assessment, and communication of geohazards. We have also completely refreshed section on design considerations with clear references to the standards, codes, legislation and guidelines, and sections on approval of proposed works, construction and documentation.”

For more information about the CoP Version 2 see the Supplement – Changes to Code of Practice Chapter 2