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The Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) and the New Zealand Geotechnical Society (NZGS) invite our young geotechnical professionals to attend the 12th ANZ Young Geotechnical Professionals Conference (12YGPC) in Hobart on 7-9 November 2018.

The 12YGPC is for geotechnical professionals from Australia and New Zealand 35 years old and younger with 10 or fewer years of experience in the geotechnical field. It is designed for all attendees to present a technical paper on any topic of interest / experience relating to the field of geomechanics or geotechnical engineering.

Abstracts and Nominations

Please complete this nomination form to apply. Nominations of delegates must also be supported by a senior mentor and include an abstract of 200 words on a topic that is related to geotechnical practice or research.

Successful nominations will be selected based on the quality and relevance of the abstract. Positions are limited to approximately 50 attendees and all successful nominations will be expected to present their technical paper at the conference. The Don Douglas Youth Fellowship Award and the Young Geotechnical Professional Fellowship will be awarded to the best Australian paper and the best New Zealand paper, respectively, during the conference. Top ten papers are to be published in a special issue of AGS journal.


The cost of this three day event is anticipated to be approximately A$1,200 (incl. GST). The cost includes three nights’ accommodation at a waterfront hotel in Hobart, one conference banquet, one dinner, an arrival drinks reception, conference venue and a field trip to discover the engineering geology of the Hobart region.

Important Dates

  • 15 February 2018 – Nominations and abstracts due
  • 30 March 2018 – Notice of acceptance
  • 30 June 2018 – Full papers due
  • 15 August 2018 – Notice of full paper acceptance
  • 14 September 2018 – Registration close
  • 6 November 2018 – Welcome Reception
  • 7-8 November 2018 – Conference presentation
  • 9 November 2018 – Field trip

Further Information

Further information is available on the AGS website (

For any urgent queries or return of nomination forms / abstracts, please contact organizing committee through

Organizing Committee

Hong Y Liu (University of Tasmania):

Nigel Ruxton (Golder at Queensland):

Philippa Mills (Coffey at New Zealand):

Colin Mazengarb (MRT):

Steering Committee: AGS National Committee

Dr Hugo Acosta-Martinez

Prof Stephen Fityus

Mr Darren Paul

Mr Mason Crumpton

Mr Timothy Thompson

Mr Shane Wynne

Prof David Airey

Dr Hong Y Liu

Mr Chris Coulson

Prof M.B. (Mark) Jaksa

Mr Mark Eggers

Mr Stuart Read

Dr Sevda Dehkhoda

Mr Charlie Price

Ms Tanya Kouzmin

Mr Peter Robinson

Conference Mentors:

Dr Hugo Acosta-Martinez (AGS Chair)

Mr Charlie Price (NZGS Chair)

Prof Andrew Chan (University of Tasmania)