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Modelling of pile response in laterally spreading liquefiable ground

Modelling of pile response in laterally spreading liquefiable ground

This paper aims at creating and assessing the feasibility of OpenSees-based finite element (FE) model used to simulate the response of a pile foundation in liquefying ground. A range of sources has been adopted in the definition of model components of which its validity is…

Earthquake-Triggered Landslides: Understanding Complex Mechanisms

Earthquake-Triggered Landslides: Understanding Complex Mechanisms

Presentation by Dave Petley. Dave is the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom. His blog provides a commentary on landslide events occurring worldwide, including the landslides themselves, latest research, and conferences and meetings.

Turning Disaster into Knowledge

Turning Disaster into Knowledge

Geotechnical engineering is an experience-driven discipline. Field observations are particularly important because it is difficult to replicate in the laboratory the characteristics and response of soil deposits built by nature over thousands of years. Furthermore, much of the data generated by a major disaster is…

Prediction of earthquake-induced liquefaction for level and gently sloped ground

Prediction of earthquake-induced liquefaction for level and gently sloped ground

This paper presents a simplified procedure for predicting earthquake-induced level and sloped ground failure, namely liquefaction and shear failure. It consists of a framework where cyclic stress ratio (CSR), static stress ratio (SSR) and undrained shear strength (USS) are formulated considering simple shear conditions, which…

Practical approaches to seismic design of deep foundations

Practical approaches to seismic design of deep foundations

This paper sets out a simplified approach by which the practical foundation designer can undertake the relevant calculations to satisfy the requirements for deep foundation design in seismic areas. The following matters are dealt with: Design issues that should be addressed; Pile design for axial…

Seismic stability analysis of quay walls: Effect of vertical motion

Seismic stability analysis of quay walls: Effect of vertical motion

Repeated observations from recent earthquakes show that the vertical ground acceleration can be amplified significantly and even become greater than its horizontal counterpart in certain situations, raising great concern over the potential effect of vertical acceleration on engineering structures. This paper addresses this issue for quay…