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Development of detailed liquefaction case histories from the 1987 Edgecumbe Earthquake

Development of detailed liquefaction case histories from the 1987 Edgecumbe Earthquake

Abstract Liquefaction and associated lateral spreading during the 1987 Mw 6.5 Edgecumbe earthquake caused severe damage within parts of the Whakatane township. Liquefaction primarily manifested proximal to the Whakatane River in areas underlain by recent fluvial and marine sediments. The development of ground motion intensity…

Comparison of the post-liquefaction behaviour of hard-grained and crushable pumice sands

Comparison of the post-liquefaction behaviour of hard-grained and crushable pumice sands

Abstract While the factors affecting the liquefaction resistance of sands have been studied by many researchers, their behaviour post liquefaction needs further examination. More specifically, understanding the effects of various parameters on the stress-strain relation of sands during the post-liquefaction stage is important not only…

Planning and engineering guidance for potentially liquefaction-prone land

Planning and engineering guidance for potentially liquefaction-prone land

This document provides guidance for a risk-based process to manage liquefaction related risk in land use planning and development decision-making. While this guidance specifically focuses on liquefaction and its consequences, it is part of a broader objective that buildings and infrastructure be located and built with appropriate consideration of all aspects of…

Proposed amendments to geotechnical requirements of NZTA Bridge Manual

Proposed amendments to geotechnical requirements of NZTA Bridge Manual

Work is currently underway to update the NZTA Bridge Manual (BM) based on recent advancements in bridge design practice in New Zealand and worldwide, and also the NZTA’s experience on the performance of bridges during the Canterbury earthquakes. In the current 2nd edition of the BM various…