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Professional Engineering Geologist – Body of Knowledge and Skills

1. Introduction This document defines the core knowledge and skills that a Professional Engineering Geologist (PEngGeol) is expected to have in order to competently investigate, analyse and communicate complex engineering geological issues which may arise as the result of the interaction between geology and the…

Branch Reports

Branch Reports

Northland Branch Report Northland Branch Whangarei Geotechnical Issues How Council is managing geotechnical hazards and risk and learnings form review of geotechnical reports. The talk covered: Councils RMA process, Building Consent process Learnings from T&T reviews, Hazard Maps, councils goals, and practice fields and competency….

New Zealand Geotechnical Society Research  Scholarship Reports

New Zealand Geotechnical Society Research Scholarship Reports

The NZGS Management Committee provides funding for a scholarship that would enable a member of the Society to undertake postgraduate research in New Zealand that would advance the objectives of the Society. Through this scholarship, the Society hopes to encourage members to enrol for post-graduate…

IAEG Report June 2020

IAEG March Meeting The IAEG meeting planned for Delhi in March was cancelled due to Covid-19 Travel restrictions. No replacement meeting has been planned at this stage. It was planned to review rule changes at this meeting but no progress has been made. I have…

International Society for Rock Mechanics  and Rock Engineering (ISRM)

International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM)

Regional Report for Australasia – June 2020 The report addresses ISRM matters since the December 2019 edition of Geomechanics News, including the outcomes from the first Board meeting for the 2019 – 2023 term in Ljubljana on 1-2 February 2020. Items relating to the Board…

International Society For Soil Mechanics And Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)

International Society For Soil Mechanics And Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)

Vice President – Regional Report For Australasia Above: John Carter, Neil Taylor and Philip Robins The ISSMGE is the pre-eminent professional body representing the interests and activities of Engineers, Academics and Contractors all over the world that actively participate in geotechnical engineering. 1. Introduction Like…

Obituary – Dr. Peter Raymond Goldsmith

Fellow, NZ Institution of Professional Engineers – 2001. Former Managing Director of Fraser Thomas Ltd, Consulting Engineers, Auckland (1987 – 2010); Officer (Major) in the NZ Army Territorial Force, 1966 – 1980; Trustee of the City of Manukau Education Trust (1999 – 2007), Honorary Consul…

Obituary – A Tribute to Philip John (Pip) Alley

Obituary – A Tribute to Philip John (Pip) Alley

Tribute to Philip John (Pip) Alley (1901 – 78) A Soil Mechanics Pioneer in New Zealand Philip John Alley was a pioneer in New Zealand in promoting from the late 1930’s the newly established field of civil engineering then known as soil mechanics and he…

Poster Competition Results

Poster Competition Results

The judging panel of the above competition has looked at the posters, and they have decided the following winners: 1st place: Ribu Dhakal (PhD, University of Canterbury) 2nd place: Angela Robinson / Hasara Ranchagoda (BE(Hons), University of Canterbury) 3rd place: Sam Buckner (PMEngGeol, University of…