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Chartered Professional Engineer (Geotechnical) – Body of Knowledge and Skills

Chartered Professional Engineer (Geotechnical) – Body of Knowledge and Skills

1          Introduction This letter describes the development of a document intended to define the minimum technical capabilities that a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) (Geotechnical) is expected to have in order to competently investigate, design and supervise the construction of geotechnical works in New Zealand. This…

SPECIAL FEATURE Toe buckling deformation in Central Otago Schists

Figure 1: a) and b) Incision of the valley induces a progressive rotation of principal stress axes (σ1, σ3); c) once accumulated stress concentrated at the base of the slope exceeds the strength of the anisotropic rock, toe buckling deformation develops in the form of…

SPECIAL FEATURE Whakatane liquefaction case history from the 1987 Edgecumbe Earthquake: examination of an extensive CPT dataset supplemented by paleo-liquefaction investigations

Liquefaction and associated lateral spreading during the 1987 ML 6.3 Edgecumbe earthquake caused severe damage to parts of Whakatane, New Zealand. Recent studies utilizing extensive CPT investigations indicate that much of the Whakatane Central Business District is underlain by sediments with a low cyclic resistance…

SPECIAL FEATURE Effects of Partial Saturation on Liquefaction Triggering

The simplified liquefaction evaluation methods reasonably predicted the severity and extent of liquefaction in Christchurch during the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence, however there are important cases where moderate-to-severe liquefaction was predicted yet no liquefaction manifestation was observed. These high levels of conservatism have been identified…

SPECIAL FEATURE Comparisons Between Deterministic and Probabilistic Liquefaction Assessment Approaches Over the Christchurch Area

Liquefaction assessments are commonly undertaken by geotechnical engineers using a deterministic approach. This approach does not appropriately take into account the significant uncertainties associated with a liquefaction assessment and can potentially compound the conservatism that is introduced when selecting upper bound input parameters. Therefore, the…

SPECIAL FEATURE Undisturbed Sampling of Pumiceous Materials in New Zealand

Pumiceous deposits exist in many areas of the North Island, and pose a particular challenge to engineering projects due to the difficulties associated with characterizing these materials. Key characteristics of pumice grains are their high crushability, their low density and the presence of voids, both…