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Performance-based seismic design of shallow foundations

Performance-based seismic design of shallow foundations

The current practice in New Zealand for seismic design of shallow foundations is to ensure the LRFD inequality is satisfied, meaning not all of the available bearing strength is mobilised. However, the occurrence of bearing failure may be acceptable, provided the resulting permanent displacements are also…

Elastic soil-structure interaction – is it worth the effort?

Elastic soil-structure interaction – is it worth the effort?

Abstract It is widely acknowledged that soil-structure interaction (SSI) has an important effect on foundation performance during earthquake loading. The standard way of handling this is to assume elastic behaviour of the soil beneath and around the foundation. For shallow foundation response there are three…

Field tests on shallow foundations on stiff clay: moment-rotation response and damping

Field tests on shallow foundations on stiff clay: moment-rotation response and damping

Abstract The moment-rotation response of shallow foundations is inherently nonlinear being controlled by the “elastic” stiffness at small rotations and the moment capacity of the foundation at larger rotations. Simple elastic soil structure interaction (SSI) does not model this rotational response and elastic radiation damping…

Dynamic behaviour of undisturbed natural pumiceous soils

Dynamic behaviour of undisturbed natural pumiceous soils

Abstract The maximum shear modulus and liquefaction resistance of soils are fundamental input parameters in the non-linear dynamic analyses of soil structures. This paper focuses on the dynamic behaviour of natural pumiceous soils, which originated from a series of volcanic eruptions centred in the Taupo…

Soil-foundation-structure interaction in shallow foundation spring-bed modelling

Soil-foundation-structure interaction in shallow foundation spring-bed modelling

There is increasing awareness in earthquake engineering of the need to consider the structure, foundation, and underlying soil in an integrated fashion. The traditional design scenario, where the geotechnical and structural considerations are dealt with separately, results in inefficient and sometimes less effective foundation systems. Integrated numerical models…

SPECIAL FEATURE Undisturbed Sampling of Pumiceous Materials in New Zealand

Pumiceous deposits exist in many areas of the North Island, and pose a particular challenge to engineering projects due to the difficulties associated with characterizing these materials. Key characteristics of pumice grains are their high crushability, their low density and the presence of voids, both…