Comments and opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of Waka Kotahi
Slope Assessed Risk Level Course(s)
The Waka Kotahi/NZTA ARL slope assessment courses previously detailed in the June 2020 Geomechanics News, have been delayed by Covid-19 due to the international travel restrictions applied by the New Zealand Government affecting the Australian trainers. Currently a revised date of February 2021 is being worked on with two courses running centred in the North Island and a further course (or two) in October/November 2021 likely in the South Island. Those who were accepted for the first course will retain first right of refusal for that course with the additional course to provided to enable further participation.
Interest in the courses has been significant and clearly indicates an ongoing need to run the courses once they are established.
The Waka Kotahi country amendment, which will details the parts of the NSW RMS approach that will be adopted together with a number of modifications to align better to New Zealand conditions, nears completion and will form part of the course documentation.
Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be accredited to undertake slope assessments for Waka Kotahi. Accreditation will be valid for five years at which time evidence that slope assessments have been undertaken will be required and, subject to satisfactory demonstration, accreditation will be extended for a further five years.
Those seeking more information can contact ARL_Course@nzta.govt.nz
First rockfall canopy in New Zealand
Kaikoura has seen many rockfall protection systems being constructed as part of the NCTIR works; from mesh’s to bunds and fences.
Risks at a couple of sites set the project team and Waka Kotahi a challenge that, thanks to the NCTIR team and suppliers, will see a unique solution to New Zealand: the FIRST rockfall canopy in New Zealand. Significantly cheaper than any other option to mitigate the risks it has still taken some considerable effort to bring the project to fruition. Could well be the answer to issues in many of our other regions! Look out for it on your drive south of Kaikoura over the Christmas holidays.