The Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) in association with the New Zealand Geotechnical Society (NZGS) is undertaking a review and update of the AGS Landslide Risk Management Guidelines (AGS2007).
The AGS guidelines represent current best practice for landslide risk management in Australia. The existing documents are comprised of key components:
- A National Landslide Risk Management Framework for Australia.
- AGS 2007a and AGS 2007b – Guideline for Landslide Susceptibility, Hazard and Risk Zoning for Land Use Planning and commentary.
- AGS2007c and AGS 2007d – Practice note guidelines for landslide risk management and commentary.
- Australian Geoguides.
These documents are available for download free of charge.
Approval to undertake the review was provided by the AGS in October 2023 and a steering committee was formed in December 2023 to set terms of reference and provide overall management of the project. The NZGS committee endorsed this approach and encourages NZGS members to join the committee to help make the guidelines applicable across Australasia. NZGS is represented on the steering committee by Ross Roberts and Christoph Krauss. You are welcome to contact them for further information.
Expressions of interest are sought from suitably experienced and qualified persons to contribute to the following technical committees.
We expect that involvement will generally be on a voluntary basis, however the project has received some funding which is intended to cover expenses and to provide reimbursement for select contributors and activities. Four technical committees are proposed:
- Landslide Risk Management – Global Practice
- Principles of Landslide Risk Management
- Landslide Mapping, Zoning and Planning
- Landslide Risk Assessment
Applications are sought from all eligible members of the AGS and NZGS as well as interested regulators and responsible authorities. Applications will be accepted up to COB on Monday 25 March 2024 EXENDED TO 15 April 2024.
For further information and to apply online: click here.