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Managing Risk for Workers on Slopes Following the 2016 Kaikōura Earthquake

Managing Risk for Workers on Slopes Following the 2016 Kaikōura Earthquake

Abstract Disaster recovery takes place in an abnormal environment. A defining tension exists between the need to rebuild quickly, but with careful deliberation. This tension poses risks for the health and safety of workers involved, at a time when risk levels are higher than normally…

Seismic Design of Geotechnical Structures for NCTIR

Seismic Design of Geotechnical Structures for NCTIR

Abstract This paper outlines key elements and the main findings for seismic design of geotechnical structures, i.e. earth retaining systems as well as natural and man-made slopes, and provides an unabridged roadmap for a streamlined design following the principles of value engineering and performance based…

Ohau Point Ring Net and TECCO Mesh Drape

Ohau Point Ring Net and TECCO Mesh Drape

This paper was previously submitted to NZSEE 2018 and published as a poster ABSTRACT Following the M7.8 Kaikōura Earthquake in New Zealand, Hiway Geostabilization (HGS) was awarded the North Face Ohau Point Scaling and High Tensile Mesh Installation contract. The original design to mitigate rockfall…

Prediction of earthquake-induced liquefaction for level and gently sloped ground

Prediction of earthquake-induced liquefaction for level and gently sloped ground

This paper presents a simplified procedure for predicting earthquake-induced level and sloped ground failure, namely liquefaction and shear failure. It consists of a framework where cyclic stress ratio (CSR), static stress ratio (SSR) and undrained shear strength (USS) are formulated considering simple shear conditions, which…