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Innovation Under Pressure – Ohau Point Slope Stabilisation

Innovation Under Pressure – Ohau Point Slope Stabilisation

  ABSTRACT Following the M7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake GeoStabilization NZ Ltd (formerly Hiway GeoStabilization Ltd) were awarded the North Face Ohau Point Scaling and High Tensile Mesh Installation contract. The original design to mitigate rockfall hazards included a pinned high tensile steel wire mesh. The ground…

Simplified procedures for estimating seismic slope displacements

Simplified procedures for estimating seismic slope displacements

Pseudostatic slope stability procedures can be employed in a straightforward manner, and thus, their use in engineering practice is appealing. The magnitude of the seismic coefficient that is applied to the potential sliding mass to represent the destabilizing effect of the earthquake shaking is a…