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DEM simulation of 1-D compression test on pumice sand

DEM simulation of 1-D compression test on pumice sand

  ABSTRACT Previous studies have shown that pumice particles are highly crushable, compressible and lightweight as a result of their vesicular nature. Hence, they are problematic from an engineering viewpoint. Currently, there is limited information on the geotechnical characteristics of pumice deposits. To address this,…

Separation of pumice from soil mixtures Dr Stringer received the 2018-2021 JW Ridley Geomechanics Paper award, for his paper “Separation of Pumice from Soil Mixtures“, originally published in Soils and Foundations in August 2019. Abstract Pumice-rich deposits are found in a number of locations around the world, and in particular…

Separation of pumice from soil mixtures

Separation of pumice from soil mixtures

Abstract Pumice-rich deposits are found in a number of locations around the world, and in particular across large areas of the North Island of New Zealand. Pumice grains are commonly described as being lightweight, highly crushable, and vesicular in nature. These characteristics give rise to…

Undrained monotonic behaviour of pumice sand

Undrained monotonic behaviour of pumice sand

Because of their lightweight, highly crushable and compressible nature, pumiceous sands are problematic from engineering and construction viewpoint. There has been very little information on their liquefaction characteristics and most empirical procedures available in evaluating the liquefaction potential of sands are derived primarily from hard-grained sands. To understand the…

Predicting axial performance of piles in pumiceous materials

Predicting axial performance of piles in pumiceous materials

The design of piles is typically undertaken using empirical or semi-empirical methods developed for ‘regular’ silica sands or clays. The application of such methods to geological materials whose physical characteristics are unlike those on which the conventional design methods were derived can result in unconservative…