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Invercargill City Liquefaction

Invercargill City Liquefaction

Keywords Liquefaction, risk assessment, planning, regional New Zealand 1. Introduction Since the Canterbury Earthquake Sequences (CES), liquefaction and its effects have been a focus for engineers and councils. There has been a significant amount learnt from these events in New Zealand due to the disproportionate…

Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Module 3 – Liquefaction Hazards

The sequence of strong earthquakes in Canterbury in 2010 to 2011, most notably the devastating Mw 6.2 earthquake on 22 February 2011, the source of which was located within Christchurch, resulted in 185 fatalities and extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure. Liquefaction occurred on several occasions through the…

Numerical simulation of inclined piles under liquefaction-induced lateral spreading

Numerical simulation of inclined piles under liquefaction-induced lateral spreading

ABSTRACT Inclined piles have been widely applied to resist excessive lateral loading in engineering practice. Although some unsatisfactory observations were found in past earthquake events, supportive evidence was also observed in recent years. This paper aims to clarify the performance of inclined piles against liquefaction-induced…

Tauranga’s Western Zone: A regional-scale liquefaction case study

Tauranga’s Western Zone: A regional-scale liquefaction case study

ABSTRACT Tauranga is one of New Zealand’s fastest growing cities and port economies. The city is susceptible to many natural hazards therefore resilience planning is imperative to its future. As part of Tauranga City Council’s Resilience Programme, a city-wide liquefaction study has been completed, comprising…

Liquefaction exposure and impacts across New Zealand State Highways

Liquefaction exposure and impacts across New Zealand State Highways

ABSTRACT New Zealand State Highways are exposed to a range of natural hazards including earthquake triggered liquefaction and lateral spreading. Using a recently developed geospatial model, a framework to assess the liquefaction risk across the State Highway network was proposed, combining liquefaction probability, recurrence and…

System response liquefaction analysis – application of a “base Isolation” effect

System response liquefaction analysis – application of a “base Isolation” effect

  ABSTRACT System response using dynamic effective stress modelling can capture the holistic behaviour of a potentially liquefiable soil deposit, including interaction between different soil layers. Compared to a conventional liquefaction triggering analysis, a system response assessment can either predict more or less damage depending…