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Invercargill City Liquefaction

Invercargill City Liquefaction

Keywords Liquefaction, risk assessment, planning, regional New Zealand 1. Introduction Since the Canterbury Earthquake Sequences (CES), liquefaction and its effects have been a focus for engineers and councils. There has been a significant amount learnt from these events in New Zealand due to the disproportionate…

Some important considerations in the engineering assessment of soil liquefaction

Some important considerations in the engineering assessment of soil liquefaction

ABSTRACT Three important aspects in the engineering assessment of soil liquefaction, i.e. material characterization of liquefiable soils, in-situ state characterization of soils, and system response of liquefiable deposits are the subject of this paper. These aspects in the assessment are especially important in the evaluation…

Cross-Checking Liquefaction Hazard Assessments with Liquefaction Observations from New Zealand Earthquakes and Paleo-liquefaction Trenching

Cross-Checking Liquefaction Hazard Assessments with Liquefaction Observations from New Zealand Earthquakes and Paleo-liquefaction Trenching

Abstract Liquefaction has been reported following upwards of 13 recent and historical earthquakes in New Zealand. Collating reports outlining the extents of liquefaction manifestation following these events provides insights into the distributions of sediments with low cyclic resistances to liquefaction, and enables liquefaction hazard assessments…