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Assessing the quality and uncertainty of in-situ seismic investigation methods

Assessing the quality and uncertainty of in-situ seismic investigation methods

  ABSTRACT Design in New Zealand is increasingly requiring parameters obtained from in-situ seismic testing for use in modelling and assessment of the built environment. In New Zealand shear wave velocity (VS) profiles are most commonly required. However, the quality of in-situ seismic testing can…

Introducing the clip on-clip off RockAnvil for Scala Penetrometer

The Scala Penetrometer (SP) or Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) is a tool used to measure the penetration resistance of in-situ soils. It is an arbitrary method of testing soils, but it is used for its cost effectiveness, durability and efficiency in which results can be…

Some important considerations in the engineering assessment of soil liquefaction

Some important considerations in the engineering assessment of soil liquefaction

ABSTRACT Three important aspects in the engineering assessment of soil liquefaction, i.e. material characterization of liquefiable soils, in-situ state characterization of soils, and system response of liquefiable deposits are the subject of this paper. These aspects in the assessment are especially important in the evaluation…

The use of the static plate load test in New Zealand

The use of the static plate load test in New Zealand

For more than 70 years the static plate load test has been well known in international geotechnical practice. This test assesses two important stiffness parameters of the soil: the static soil modulus Es and the subgrade reaction modulus K. Additionally, by unloading and reloading the…