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Fifty Years in Geotechnical Engineering – By Graham Ramsay

Fifty Years in Geotechnical Engineering – By Graham Ramsay

Background In 2016 I retired after fifty years involvement in civil and geotechnical engineering, having witnessed major changes in the techniques available to us and our knowledge of engineering geology and geotechnical phenomena. During that period, I was involved in some very interesting projects that…

How did we get here?

A biased view of the development of engineering geology in New Zealand Background Engineering geology is the application of geology to engineering for the purpose of ensuring that the geological factors, including hazards, affecting a site or scheme are recognized and taken into consideration during…

14th Glossop Lecture

14th Glossop Lecture

Engineering geology has a long and rich heritage and the United Kingdom has been in the vanguard of the development of the subject as a distinct discipline with the first book on the subject being published in London in 1880. Since then engineering geology has been applied to projects…