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The undrained cyclic strength of undisturbed and reconstituted Christchurch sands

The undrained cyclic strength of undisturbed and reconstituted Christchurch sands

This paper presents insights from recent advanced laboratory testing of undisturbed and reconstituted specimens of Christchurch silty-sands. The purpose of the testing was to establish the cyclic strength of silty-sands from sites in the Central Business District (CBD), where liquefaction was observed in 4 September…

Undrained cyclic shear characteristics of silt and sand mixtures

Undrained cyclic shear characteristics of silt and sand mixtures

In most design codes, soils are classified as either sand or clay, and appropriate design equations are used to represent their behaviour. For example, the behaviour of sandy soils is expressed in terms of the soil’s relative density, whereas consistency limits are often used for clays. However, sand-clay…