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Some important considerations in the engineering assessment of soil liquefaction

Some important considerations in the engineering assessment of soil liquefaction

ABSTRACT Three important aspects in the engineering assessment of soil liquefaction, i.e. material characterization of liquefiable soils, in-situ state characterization of soils, and system response of liquefiable deposits are the subject of this paper. These aspects in the assessment are especially important in the evaluation…

Slope Stabilisation using Stone Column Ground Improvement

Slope Stabilisation using Stone Column Ground Improvement

Introduction Ground remediation methods have been used for many years to improve ground conditions to enable development. Ground remediation has become increasingly common as industrialisation has caused rapid development of cities. Areas within cities, previously undeveloped due to adverse ground conditions, can now be remediated…

Clifton Hill and Moa Bone Point Rockfall Protection

During the Christchurch Earthquakes in 2011, the cliffs at Clifton Hill and Moa Bone Point experienced significant ground shaking and as a result a large amount of material was lost from cliff collapse and mass movement. The sites at Clifton Hill and Moa Bone Point…