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National Design Guidelines for Ground Improvement of Soils Prone to Liquefaction

National Design Guidelines for Ground Improvement of Soils Prone to Liquefaction

Abstract One of the Canterbury Earthquake Royal Commission recommendations was that “ground improvement should be considered as part of the foundation system of a building and reliability factors included in the design procedures” and that “the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment should consider the…

Review on recent developments in alkali-activated materials

Review on recent developments in alkali-activated materials

Abstract Recently, there is significant increase in globalisation in industrial areas especially in developed countries. Thus, their waste by-products become a major challenge because of the large quantities involved and the scarcity of disposal space. Industrial waste by-products and the use of traditional cementitious binders…

Void structure of Auckland residual soil using X-ray CT scanning

Void structure of Auckland residual soil using X-ray CT scanning

In this paper, the properties of undisturbed Auckland residual soil are related to visualisation of the void structure obtained by X-ray CT scanning. The soil investigated was derived from in situ weathering of the Waitemata group sandstones and siltstones, a process which produces soil with surprisingly…

Electro-osmosis stabilisation of slopes

Electro-osmosis stabilisation of slopes

Abstract Slope failure is a major concern in New Zealand roads. Applying conventional slope stabilisation techniques, such as slope repair, benching, wire netting and soil nailing, is not always practical due to financial and environmental concerns. Electro-osmosis (EO) consolidation technique can provide engineers with a…

Comparison of the post-liquefaction behaviour of hard-grained and crushable pumice sands

Comparison of the post-liquefaction behaviour of hard-grained and crushable pumice sands

Abstract While the factors affecting the liquefaction resistance of sands have been studied by many researchers, their behaviour post liquefaction needs further examination. More specifically, understanding the effects of various parameters on the stress-strain relation of sands during the post-liquefaction stage is important not only…

Numerical simulation of inclined piles in liquefiable soils

Numerical simulation of inclined piles in liquefiable soils

Abstract A three-dimensional finite element model (3D FEM) has been developed in OpenSees to investigate the seismic response of inclined piles in liquefiable sand. The spring interface method is compared with the no interface approach in which pile and soil are bonded directly together to…

Dynamic behaviour of undisturbed natural pumiceous soils

Dynamic behaviour of undisturbed natural pumiceous soils

Abstract The maximum shear modulus and liquefaction resistance of soils are fundamental input parameters in the non-linear dynamic analyses of soil structures. This paper focuses on the dynamic behaviour of natural pumiceous soils, which originated from a series of volcanic eruptions centred in the Taupo…