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Earthquake response of shallow foundations with low vertical gravity load

Earthquake response of shallow foundations with low vertical gravity load

This paper presents the development and response of a Ruaumoko model for the representation of uplift and reattachment of a shallow foundation. The vertical load in the foundation is used to control the characteristics of moment and shear loads, as these values must reduce to zero when…

Dynamic Site Characterisation of the Nelson-Tasman Region

Dynamic Site Characterisation of the Nelson-Tasman Region

Abstract This paper presents a study being undertaken to characterise the subsurface across Nelson and Tasman using active source surface wave testing, ambient wave field (passive) and H/V spectral ratio methods. Deep soil and gravels deposits are present in this area which may lead to…

Development of detailed liquefaction case histories from the 1987 Edgecumbe Earthquake

Development of detailed liquefaction case histories from the 1987 Edgecumbe Earthquake

Abstract Liquefaction and associated lateral spreading during the 1987 Mw 6.5 Edgecumbe earthquake caused severe damage within parts of the Whakatane township. Liquefaction primarily manifested proximal to the Whakatane River in areas underlain by recent fluvial and marine sediments. The development of ground motion intensity…

Field tests on shallow foundations on stiff clay: moment-rotation response and damping

Field tests on shallow foundations on stiff clay: moment-rotation response and damping

Abstract The moment-rotation response of shallow foundations is inherently nonlinear being controlled by the “elastic” stiffness at small rotations and the moment capacity of the foundation at larger rotations. Simple elastic soil structure interaction (SSI) does not model this rotational response and elastic radiation damping…

Resin injection as a ground improvement method

Resin injection as a ground improvement method

Abstract There are few practical methods currently available for liquefaction mitigation beneath existing structures, despite a growing demand for this due to a significant number of structures being targeted for seismic upgrading. One such method that is viable for liquefaction mitigation beneath existing structures is…

SPECIAL FEATURE Whakatane liquefaction case history from the 1987 Edgecumbe Earthquake: examination of an extensive CPT dataset supplemented by paleo-liquefaction investigations

Liquefaction and associated lateral spreading during the 1987 ML 6.3 Edgecumbe earthquake caused severe damage to parts of Whakatane, New Zealand. Recent studies utilizing extensive CPT investigations indicate that much of the Whakatane Central Business District is underlain by sediments with a low cyclic resistance…