The New Zealand Geotechnical Society Student Awards are presented to recognise and encourage student participation in the fields of geotechnical engineering and engineering geology, and to introduce our best student talent to potential employers. This year we extended the deadline for the posters through to end January 2018 to capture all students in geotechnical engineering and engineering geology in New Zealand, which saw an increase in Masters and PhD poster submissions.
For these awards, students of a recognised tertiary institution in New Zealand prepare an A1 size poster that clearly and concisely presents their work on any aspect or topic in the fields of geotechnical engineering or engineering geology. The posters are judged on technical content, layout, and overall poster appeal and ranked by a panel nominated by the management committee of the NZGS.
This year the posters were displayed during the Auckland Branch meeting on Tuesday 22nd May at the University of Auckland alongside the mega 1.8m by 0.9m poster prepared by Charlie Price and Mike Stannard for the 19th International Conference in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, held in Seoul. The high quality of the submissions made for excellent viewing and discussion prior to a presentation by Charlie Price, who also presented the winner with his certificate on behalf of the NZGS committee at the end of the evening.
First prize went to Matt Ogden from University of Auckland for his poster entitled “Insights from liquefaction manifestation and associated lateral-spreading from the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake”. Second and third places went to Claudio Capellaro for his poster entitled “Cyclic undrained direct shear testing of Christchurch sands”; and Remus Marchis for his poster entitled “The evolution of coastal gullies in the Ashburton Gravel”, both from the University of Canterbury. The posters have been sent to Christchurch, where the second and third place winners
will be presented their awards by Tony Fairclough.
First place Matt Ogden
Second place Claudio Cappellaro