The Bay of Plenty & Waikato Young Geotechnical Professionals’ Symposium
Contact for more information
What is it:
A one day event where the young people of the local geotechnical industry
gather to share and learn from each other. Hopefully you will not only learn
but leave more enthused and motivated for your career. It is a shortened,
local, less formal version of the highly successful ANZ YGP conference.
Who is it for:
Bay of Plenty & Waikato young members (under 35 & less than 10 years’
experience – we won’t check!). We want people at all levels of experience
in this range.
What is required of me?
To register you need to provide a 100 to 200 word summary of a
geotechnical topic which you can commit to making a 10 minute
presentation on at the event. The topic should be something that your
peers can learn from. This could be:
a. A project in which you have learnt something
b. An original investigation or examination of a topic
c. A resource or paper you find valuable for your work
d. An item of research
e. Other – it just needs to be something geotechnically relevant that
others can learn from.
The presentation should be at your level. We want to hear from graduates
as well as those who are almost no longer “young”!
No written paper is required. There will be a short question time after
each presentation.
Will everyone present?
Yes, all attendees will be expected to present on the day. We will advise
the order of presentations at least one week in advance.