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The course will equip geotechnical engineers with the knowledge and understanding required for undertaking projects in areas of residual soils.

The course will cover the geology, formation, nature and properties of residual soils, as well as concepts related to seepage and pore pressure state above and below the water table, shear strength and consolidation behaviour, and aspects of earth pressure, retaining walls and slope stability.

This course is intended for those who are conversant with basic soil mechanics, but at the same time, the course is a useful review of some basic aspects of soil mechanics.

The course has been developed and is presented by Laurie Wesley, well known for his experience with residual soils and the many papers he has published on them.

Thursday, 1 August 2019
Tonkin and Taylor, Level 2, 105 Carlton Gore Rd, Newmarket, Auckland.

*Tentative second course (if required): Monday 12 August 2019, venue to be announced.

Monday, 5 of August 2019
Engineering New Zealand, Level 6, NEC House,  40 Taranaki Street

Thursday, 8 August 2019
Venue to be announced.

Monday, 19 August 2019
BECA, 32 Harington Street, Tauranga

* The course in Wellington will be combined with the Young Geotechnical Professionals mini – Symposium that will be held on Tuesday 6 August 2019.

For the Young Geotechnical Professionals who also will attend the YGP mini-Symposium, the GIS course is offered at a reduced price of $180+GST.


The courses are kindly sponsored by:

Ground Investigations (Wellington and Christchurch)

WSP-Opus (Auckland)

Beca (Tauranga),


Venues are kindly offered by Engineering New Zealand and Tonkin + Taylor. 

Australian Geomechanics Society