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Presented by Marco Holtrigter

CPT testing is commonly used in routine geotechnical investigations throughout NZ. It provides a valuable resource for the geotechnical profession. However, different contractors undertake CPT testing in slightly different ways and they may not necessarily follow recognised international standards for the test. Consequently, the quality of the resulting data may vary and it is difficult for users to understand what level of uncertainty there may be in the data. To address this issue, an industry group representing the CPT contractors has been formed within CETANZ. This group has been working on a best practice document to guide contractors to achieve consistent procedures aimed at providing quality results. The document is based on ISO 22476-1, which provides application classes that allow users to recognise a level of certainty in the data. This presentation gives an overview of the work done to date on the best practice document. The presentation is intended to spark some discussion on the topic.

Marco is a Chartered Professional Engineer with over 30 years experience in geotechnical engineering. He owns and operates a company called Ground Investigation that specialises in CPT and other in situ testing throughout New Zealand. Marco has a passion for in situ testing and has co-authored many papers on the topic. He is currently the leader of the CETANZ CPT Group, which represents the CPT industry in New Zealand.

Australian Geomechanics Society