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This two-day workshop on the Sunshine Coast, Australia, is for those involved in the design, and construction of earthworks. Civil and geotechnical engineers, project managers, site engineers and other construction staff will find this course useful.

The course provides an overview of the 2022 book “Earthworks” for practicing engineers. This book was derived from “Earthworks” course notes compiled over 10 years of presenting the 2-day course to over 1,000 practicing engineers (mainly civil and project engineers) and benefited from their feedback and issues. A case study approach is adopted to examine and connect common theory to practice earthworks practices.

Many measurements have become targets rather than part of a decision-making process. This simplifies the site decision in having assessment metronomically stated for you, but a targeting simplification can lead to either over conservatism or unstable works.

The focus is to encourage critical thinking to add value, and not on using numbers in an equation.

Case studies are used to show how earthworks theory is applied in day-to-day practice. Subgrade and expansive clay assessment and treatment will be covered. Useful design practices as well as the development and application of specifications are outlined. A specification, test, or design in one climatic condition or geology may not apply in another.

Although this course isn’t in New Zealand, it is easily accessible from most main NZ centres with regular flights.

Course Presenter: Dr Burt Look OAM

Burt has over 42 years professional engineering experience. He is the 2014 Queensland Professional Engineer of the year and the Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) Practitioner 2018. Burt was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in 2020. He has published 4 geotechnical engineering books and over 100 technical publications focused on industry practice developments.

There will also be a guest presenter each day on an earthworks specialist experience.


To register for the course, send email to:
