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The first Bay of Plenty & Waikato Young Geotechnical Professionals’ Symposium is happening on Thursday 27 February 2020.

For further details please refer to the flyer here.

Due date for submissions is Friday 24 January 2020

To register you need to provide a 100 to 200 word summary of a geotechnical topic which you can commit to making a 10 minute presentation on at the event. The topic should be something that your peers can learn from. This could be:

  1. A project in which you have learnt something
  2. An original investigation or examination of a topic
  3. A resource or paper you find valuable for your work
  4. An item of research
  5. Other – it just needs to be something geotechnically relevant that others can learn from.

The presentation should be at your level. We want to hear from graduates as well as those who are almost no longer “young”!

No written paper is required. There will be a short question time after each presentation.

Please register your interest by submitting your presentation summary to
